How do I keep deer from eating the sunflower seeds out of my bird feeders? They lick and nudge the things until the seeds fall out. They can drain them in one night. They've become so "used" to me yelling at them that they're almost tame now.
I love deer, but not 8' from my house stealing my birdseed every evening and night!
I've tried hanging wind chimes from the pole...worked for one night. I've tried putting old tv antenna aluminum rods hanging there, I've put a plastic flower wind whirly-gig on the pole too...none of it deters them.
What else (reasonable -nothing like 'electric fence') can I do to stop them or scare them???
Stupid deer eating my birds' sunflower
Those "stupid deer" sound pretty smart to me. Why do people always want to fight nature rather than understanding and accepting it. I would love watching the deer. Then when they bring the fawns.....
Reply:Maybe a scarecrow?
Reply:its called a 12-gauge.
Reply:might be a bit bothersome but try putting a some type of chcien wire fence ring around the post
Reply:get a guard dog...
Reply:that is the cutest thing. I would love to feed a deer over a bird.
Reply:Sprinkel some hot pepper in it. The birds wont be able to taste it very well. But deers and squirelles hate the taste.
Reply:I would suggest a 5' fence.... We have around our garden, and the deer jump over it and eat all of our vegetables.... But, if you just put it around the birdseed, then you will be good. Also, try getting a hanging bird feeder....
Reply:Put deer food out for him or place the bird seed somewhere else..Id love to see a deer maybe Ill put some bird seed out! Theyr so gentle and beautiful--I love them!
Reply:put an eletric fence up.
Reply:hang them higher in the trees. if that don't work. you could hang them from the corners of your house like i have to.
Reply:put some deer food(corn or sweet feed) out further in the yard... Poor things are hungry!
Reply:Buy OR Make a birds houses then put in sunflower seeds in it and then put hang it on the trees....
Reply:Maybe you could put something pokey around the post to prick the deer when they try to move it. I know that sounds harsh, but it would stop them. I've had a problem with squirrles myself. We kept a salt lick for the deer and that lasted a long time and seemed to keep them satisfied. A stronger post that doesn't move, feeders placed higher up that are secure. We had one neighbor that actualy shot at or near animals with a BB gun that he didn't like messing around in the wrong places. Its sad, but worked. BBs are not deadly if shot in the right place. I sound like a bad person!!
Reply:You should try yelling at them or maybe hang some wind chimes from the pole. If that doesnt work then put some aluminum rods up, just hanging around it, maybe from an old tv antenna or something. If that doesnt work then I would get one of those plastic flower whirly-gigs and pt that on the pole. If none of that works then maybe you should try an electric fence.
Reply:Place antlers on front porch, but the ones still connected to the head and face. Solved.
Reply:They are doing it for the salt in the seeds. If feasible, get a salt block, and put it near whereever they are entering your property. They will lick that instead.
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