Thursday, November 12, 2009

My sunflower seedlings are droopy! Please help?

My sunflower seeds came out really well. But now that they have a few leaves, the bottom ones are really drooping. I have repotted them with more soil, which helped temporarily, then it started again! I water them a little every day and have them in direct sunlight.

My sunflower seedlings are droopy! Please help?
When you say the bottom ones, could they be the first two leaves that came up?, if they are then don't worry they are just the seed leaves and should eventually drop off. if not, do as they other posters have said and you will be fine.
Reply:Watering is your problem.

It is much better to soak a plant every few days than a little each day.

Doing a little every day means you run the risk of the water evaporating or the soil not being penetrated enough to get to the plant roots. Drooping is a sign of a lack of water.

The other clue is the top of the soil. If it is a light brown, crumbly and dry to the touch then you're definitely not watering enough.
Reply:I think the watering is the problem.

Stand them in a tray of water and lert them soak up all they need. Once they are not soaking up anymore take them out of the tray and throw the excess water away.This may mean you only water once or twice a week but they will be getting a deep water that reaches the roots. I do not think they are at present or they would not droop.

Hope that helps :)
Reply:1. do not over water

2. use staks

3. get the into the garden asap
Reply:Sunflowers do not transplant well. They should be directly sown into the ground.

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