Friday, May 21, 2010

What is eating my sunflower plant stems?

My sunflower plants are doing beautifully and are almost ready to flower. They have had no pest problems until the past week. Something is chewing on the stems now. They have already killed one plant and disfigured a second (it is sort of growing sideways along the ground now.) I am wondering what could be eating them and how to deal with this naturally.

Thanks!! (BTW we have tons of chipmunks but I have not seen any at the plants, and did not see any slime trails indicating slugs. I put hotsauce on the stems tonight, hope it does not hurt the plants.)

What is eating my sunflower plant stems?
Whiteflys. get Seven dust in your garden section.

or try to spray a soap bland,

a little dove detergent mixed with water kills most bugs.

blocks their poor little lungs from breathing by creating a soapy film over their tiny mouths
Reply:Hey thanks, it is whiteflies. I found that shaking the stem made them fly and it was clear. I got a safe spray and will be putting up glue traps. I have 2 left where there were at least 8, but at least they all did not go! Thanks! Report It

Reply:Excactly what glen is some info on them..and cures....
Reply:Whatever the bug is, it will be deterred with a soapy spray. Just make sure and spray in the evening or early morning. This will let it dry before the heat of the day and not scorch the leaves.
Reply:cutworm if the stem is eaten all the way through. japanese beetles if not

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