Monday, May 17, 2010

When you reck in wildflower seeds and sunflower seeds into the ground? Do you have to put them in deep?

When you plant your wildflower seeds and sunflower seeds how deep do youneed to put them? I covered my all with top soil. But the birds probably will still find them? Or not?

When you reck in wildflower seeds and sunflower seeds into the ground? Do you have to put them in deep?
In California with wildflower seeds, I rake the soil and sprinkle the seeds over the top of the soil and then just lightly rake the soil again. Then water well. It's best to plant in the rainy season. Sunflower seeds, however, have to be planted about 1/2" to 3/4" deep.
Reply:Depends. Read the directions on the packets. I think with wildflowers you just sprinkle soil over them. With sunflowers, I plant mine maybe an inch down--making a row with a hoe--and then cover them with an inch or so of soil. I used to be able to grow beautiful sunflowers, but the darn varmints (chipmunks) dig up the seeds and the rabbits or groundhogs eat the sprouts or the plants. I've sprinkle dried blood (you can buy it at the garden center or farm store) and that helps until it rains.
Reply:no only bout an inch
Reply:Wildflower seed has different requirements, even among seed. Some of them like to be covered and some need light to germinate. I would make sure I had a clean, weedfree spot, and scatter the seed on the ground, raking it in lightly, and watering it well. Don't let it dry out while it is germinating and the seedlings are small.

Sunflower seeds should be planted twice their size deep, and if the bluejays are watching you plant them, you can kiss them goodby! Plant three seeds in each hole to insure that you will get some plants!
Reply:rules Ive used is smaller the seed the shallower the planting, so small seeds need to be placed on ground and pressed in just to give them good contact to soil

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