Friday, May 14, 2010

Is it okay to feed my pet mice raw sunflower seeds?

My critters love sunflower seeds, so I give them to them for treats, but the only unsalted ones I can find say that they are raw. They look just like roasted ones, just noat all salty. Is it okay to feed them raw sunflower seeds?

Also, I'm planning on mixing up my own feed for them, and I was debating whether or not to add flax seeds, since it wasn't mentioned in many recipes, but they're known to be very healthy for humans.

Rodent experts? Any opinions, information?

My mousies thank you in advance.

Is it okay to feed my pet mice raw sunflower seeds?
Sure,mice love sunflower seeds.You can just buy some hamster treat at the pet store,it has all kinds of seeds in it,or you can use wild bird seed if you feed the birds.
Reply:Yes, mice love sunflower seeds!
Reply:I have a rat who eats raw sunflower seeds and he is perfectly healthy.

Rodents love to shell them.
Reply:Amazingly enough, with the possible exception of Ratatoule and he was a rat anyway, mice are not known for their cooking skills and tend to eat everything the way nature serves it, raw. So you should be ok and if they don't like them, they can always say no.

Or you could fry them up with a little bit of garlic butter, salt and pepper and serve them with a side salad and a nice thimble of chilled white wine.
Reply:The problem with seeds is that they have a really high fat content. If your mice become obese, they become more susceptible to problems such as bumblefoot, heart problems, diabetes and decreased lifespan.

They are great as treats, but not as the main food in the diet.
Reply:mice love sunflower seeds but they do have really high fat content, they're pretty much the equivalent of our junk food because they have not much nutritious value and if you put them in the food mix, it's always going to be the first thing eaten

flowers and gifts

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